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About Me

My name is Robyn Sutcliffe and I have had the privilege of being a Social Worker for  over fifteen years and delivering workshops and presentations for the last decade. I am a wife and mother, and I started calling Tassie home in 2009.  


I am passionate about helping others achieve their personal and professional goals and get a real kick out of delivering workshops to people of all ages, with my area of speciality and personal passion,  teaching people how to master relationships and cultivate resilience, skills  that matter at any stage or phase of life. 


My method is both belief- and behaviour-based. It addresses the skill set as well as the mindset. The essence of my work is to share knowledge and help you identify the challenges and setbacks in your life, so that you can overcome them with confidence.  To give you an opportunity to reflect, tune in to your own greatness,  and provide you the tools to leap forward and achieve goals.


I am so grateful to be able to share the evidence based tools and research alongside the lessons that I have learnt over the course of my career, being up close and personal with people from many different backgrounds, at different times and stages of their lives both personally and professionally. My goal is to create as many relationally intelligent and resilient humans as possible.  

About Me: About Me
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