My Vision
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself”. This quote pretty much sums up what lead me to pursue this line of work. I have been a Social Worker for almost fifteen years, working with individuals, groups, organisations and businesses with a passion for helping people truly connect with what is important to them. This knowledge guides us successfully through life while being authentic to who we are and what we want. I believe knowing and understanding what truly drives us, grounds us in this ever spinning, hyper connected world.
In addition to my formal Social Work qualifications, I have specialised training in authentic leadership development, narrative intelligence, and the cultivation of resilience and am particularly interested in relationship coaching and workshops. My interest in this area has evolved from my work presenting to groups of adults and children about how we develop and foster grit and resilience, to live more meaningful lives and interact with one another in the most fulfilling way possible, whether that be our partners, friends or business colleagues.
“The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationship…” We know the strength and depth of our relationships have real time impacts on our physical and mental health, not to mention our longevity, so actively choosing to nurture this area of our lives is not only of benefit to us as individuals but to our whole community.
I LOVE working with you to develop and provide tailor made and realistic outcomes to change your life and environment. Be it delivering thoughtful seminars or presenting to large or small groups. The messages and key skills I provide, better equip you in building and maintaining healthy, effective and fulfilling personal and business relationships, develop and foster resilience in children right through to adulthood and the tools and confidence to pursue what it is in life that lights you up. I look forward to watching True North grow and evolve alongside those who trust me to guide them to find their north, and am excited to have you as part of the True North success story.
True North
Robyn x