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Are you a business or organsiation looking to maximise relationships, wellbeing and tackle unhealthy patterns of behaviour that hold us back as individuals, teams or peers? 


Are you a new or aspiring leader trying to create a vision and lead change?


Are you a school or community group wanting to give your kids, their parents and the community the skills to foster resilience and help create a generation of strong, capable young people?


I run a range of workshops with a focus in resilience and relational intelligences including;  

  • 'The Science of Resilience' that explores where resilience has gone and more importantly how we get it back; 

  • The Intelligence you need to succeed is a workshop designed for those 14yrs+ that provides insights, psycho education, knowledge and tools to foster resilience, healthy relationships allowing individuals to flourish. 

  • The Curriculum of Grit an interactive workshop that is personalised for the individual school context, working collaboratively with me, your team and I will create the most impactful, science backed curriculum that  teaches young people the skills to be resilient for life, AND

  • My incredibly popular RQ masterclass parts one and two, which explore how to maximise our personal and professional relationships to get the best from ourselves and others, using personalised questionnaire results to understand ourselves in both conflict and cohesive states and how to apply this information to create change. 

*Workshops can also be tailored to specific need.


My Services: Services
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